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The history of youth work in Europe, Volume 4 - Relevance for today's youth work policy | Collectif
The history of youth work in Europe, Volume 4 - Relevance for today's youth work policy | Collectif

The history of youth work in Europe, Volume 4 - Relevance for today's youth work policy

Publié par Conseil de l'Europe, le 01 janvier 2014

142 pages


Since 2008, the European Union-Council of Europe youth partnership has regularly organised debates and discussions on the history of youth work policy and practice in various countries in Europe, in co-operation with its partners. The results have been published in three volumes of the Youth Knowledge Series. Volume 4 of the History of youth work in Europe, edited by Marti Taru, Filip Coussée and Howard Williamson, covers the 2011 workshop in Tallinn, which was co-organised by the European Union-Council of Europe youth partnership and the Estonian authorities with the support of Finnish and Flemish partners, and sums up the discussions in the previous three volumes.

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