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Ecommerce Development : Business To Business. Avec Cd-Rom | Collectif
Ecommerce Development : Business To Business. Avec Cd-Rom | Collectif

Ecommerce Development : Business To Business. Avec Cd-Rom

Publié par Microsoft Press, le 02 novembre 2000

428 pages


Create powerful new ways to work with business partners and suppliers with this MICROSOFT(r) MASTERING learning system. You'll work at your own pace-learning how to use Microsoft Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition, to create robust, business-to-business electronic commerce solutions. The textbook and the companion CD-ROM work hand in hand, helping you master essential site development concepts and providing critical skill-building practice. By the end of the course, you've learned how to create a custom eCommerce site-ready for business! Take your business to the Net-with expert instruction direct from Microsoft: • Set up the Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP) to transmit and receive purchase orders, business data, and other transactions over the Internet or an existing EDI system • Use CIP Manager, COM+, and the Microsoft Visual Basic(r) 6.0 development system to create custom components for your transaction-processing pipelines • Build and manage business objects with eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)-for seamless information exchange between applications, servers, and companies • Learn how to convert data from XML to EDI and back • Develop dynamic, searchable online catalogs of your products and services using Active Server Pages (ASP) technology • Use Active User Objects (AUOs) to store session data and enable real-time credit-card processing • Learn how to register and authenticate e-partners-and help keep your site secure • Gain techniques for optimising your site for performance, scalability, and availability.

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