Summary: Entrepreneurship.com
Publié par Dorling Kindersley, le 19 janvier 2011
A new look at a new world of wine from a new generation of wine writers Do you like to enjoy fine wine but want some down to earth recommendations and honest information? Written by over 30 new voices in the world of wine, The Wine Opus offers fresh, modern insight into the world of wine. Accessible and up-to-date, this covers 4,000 of the world's most significant wineries - from the reliable established producers to the rising stars. Discover all the important wine-producing regions of the world, including maps to locate key producers and a checklist on the regions' recent vintages. If you want to drink good wine, The Wine Opus gives you the names you need to know.
Summary: Entrepreneurship.com
Getaway Montréal -anglais-
Dictionnaire poche top Hachette & Oxford ; anglais-français / français-anglais
écrits gnostiques ; la bibliothèque de Nag Hammadi
The populism reader
Un texte, une oeuvre ; quatorze oeuvres du Musée nationale d'art moderne, commentées
Foie gras maison
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