Van Gogh : l'oeuvre complet ; peinture
Publié par Taschen France
Van Gogh, who took up a variety of professions before becoming an artist, was a solitary, despairing and self-destructive man. This richly illustrated and expert study follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his homeland, through his bright and colorful Parisian period, to the work of his final years, spent under a southern sun in Arles.
Van Gogh : l'oeuvre complet ; peinture
Van Gogh ; l'oeuvre complet, peinture
Bibliotheca Universalis
Van Gogh
Vienne des années 1900
Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 - Tout l'oeuvre peint
Marc Chagall 1887-1985 - Le peintre poète - Occasion
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